Youth Ministries

Ever have questions about what and who Jesus is? Us too. Ever have questions that you weren’t sure you were allowed to ask but really wanted to any way? Us too.Our youth group strives to know the truth of Jesus through fun, fellowship and a sharing of experiences. We work on building YOUR relationship with God.
We meet on Wednesday evenings at 6pm for Bible Study and fellowship during the school year. In the summer, we participate in various other activities for fellowship and service.
We participate in Mission and Service projects throughout the year such as the annual Easter Egg Hunt and Fall Festivals, Souper Bowl canned food drive and Feed the Bay. Our youth also attend the annual Presbyterian youth conference at Montreat, NC every other summer and participate in a mission project outside Florida on those alternate summers.
We have fellowship and community building activities like Lock Ins, Lock Outs, pool and bowling parties, progressive dinners and more throughout the year.
Please join us in discovering who Jesus is, how to grow in your relationship with Him and how to serve our community and each other.