What to Expect
What should I wear?
Clothes. That’s our only request. We are much more concerned about what’s going on inside of a person, than what they are wearing on the outside. So just come as you are.
What’s the music like?
At our contemporary service we have musicians who play guitars, drums, bass, and keys. The music you will hear is very similar to what you will hear on many Christian radio stations today. At our traditional service, we sing the great hymns of the church with a chancel choir at 11am.
Do my kids sit with me?
At our traditional 11am worship service, your kids will worship with you for the first part, then they will be invited up for a brief, creative children’s message. Then, they’ll enjoy the rest of the time in our awesome children’s church. For our youngest disciples, there is always a staffed nursery. At our contemporary service, it is similar: we encourage children to get up and dance to the music, then they head off across our courtyard with their teacher to Sunday School. We love to see children experiencing joy along with an opportunity to worship with their family.
What is the environment like?
Our sincere desire is to make you feel welcome. You will be greeted with many smiles and willing guides to assist you in connecting with our ministry. We do have cushions on our pews and have technology to assist worshipers with disabilities.

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